Urbis, after a couple of hit and miss seasons, is getting on it’s feet and getting cool again…

Article published: Wednesday, August 12th 2009

Urbis gets cool by sending visitors out of the buildingAlthough current exhibitions Videogame Nation and State of the Art: New York could be accused of being a little too self-consciously cool, Urbis is really worth a visit this summer for the wealth of events and workshops it’s putting on. Not least of these is their Walking Tour series which now includes Audio Walks available to download, featuring a good old bit of psychogeography. Great stuff. Also getting you out of the museum and onto the streets is their State of the Art lightboxes, bringing a shine to Shudehill Bus Station until October.

See www.urbis.org.uk/tours for more details

More: Culture, Exhibition, Manchester


  1. I recommended the ‘Suffragette City’ tour on a Wednesday afternoon. The sites of the women’s movement that made Manchester the fantastically feminist city it is.

    Comment by Jennie O'Hara on August 12, 2009 at 10:50 am
  2. Thank you, even if we’d argue with the ‘hit and miss seasons’ obviously…

    Comment by Urbis on August 12, 2009 at 10:56 am
  3. There’s a history of video games exhibition showing at Urbis (see link) – Just the sort of innovative stuff that other museums don’t do, and Urbis should.

    Comment by Richard on August 12, 2009 at 11:06 am
  4. The Emory Douglas exhibition was great at Urbis was great. That was definitely a hit!

    Comment by Li'l Bobby on August 12, 2009 at 11:28 am
  5. Ye loved the Emory Douglas exhibition.

    Comment by tim on August 12, 2009 at 1:35 pm

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