Devo Manc: regional devolution and inequality debate

Article published: Friday, September 18th 2015

Green party energy spokesperson Andrew Cooper spoke about the pitfalls of the Devo Manc deal, as it currently stands, to a large audience at the Friends Meeting House in Manchester.

Hundreds march to show solidarity with refugees

Article published: Sunday, September 13th 2015

Around 400 demonstrators joined the national day of action to say “Refugees Welcome Here” in Piccadilly Gardens on Saturday.

“How dare they come to our city” – Tory party conference protest gearing up

Article published: Thursday, September 10th 2015

Around 700 people heard impassioned speeches by actors Maxine Peake and Julie Hesmondhaigh alongside local and national activists on Tuesday, as part of a People’s Assembly meeting around the protest against the Tory Party conference from 4 to 7 October.

Homeless camp in court facing 4th eviction this year

Article published: Wednesday, September 9th 2015

The residents of the homeless camp once again appeared at the Civil Justice Courts on Monday facing eviction from the camps now situated on Oxford Road and King Street.

A growing movement: thousands welcome Corbyn to Manchester

Article published: Tuesday, September 1st 2015

Labour leadership candidate Jeremy Corbyn spoke at the packed out Sheridan Suite in Miles Platting on Saturday evening, outlining his vision for a fair and more equal Britiain to almost 2,000 people.

A job worth undoing: national day of protest against workfare at B&M

Article published: Tuesday, June 30th 2015

A group of protestors held a picket outside the Chorlton branch of B&M on Saturday as part of a national day of action called by Boycott Workfare. Gathering at the entrance of the store, campaigners held banners, handed out leaflets and expressed their opposition to the company’s participation in the Department for Work and Pensions’ (DWP) controversial workfare scheme.

Community journalism course for new editors and writers

Article published: Saturday, March 14th 2015

MULE still needs new editors and writers to help carry on the project. We’re offering an intensive 10-week community journalism course for people who are willing to commit to MULE. More details here…