Manchester will once more add to a 32-year tradition of Reclaim the Night marches in the UK on Thursday 21 February, allowing women of all ages to walk their own streets in safety.
One third of women worldwide are raped or beaten in their lifetime. On Thursday Hulme’s Z-Arts Centre will be host to Manchester’s corner of One Billion Rising, a global day of protest and dance demanding an end to the violence.
Everyone sick with worry for the future of the NHS has been invited to an emergency summit this Saturday to bring together Greater Manchester’s campaigns against privatisation and cuts to the health service.
In a bid to bring solidarity between Manchester and Latin America a one-day school was organised to hear from Latin American groups fighting repression, climate change and exploitation. Kerry Slater reports back.
A popular library in a “homes fit for heroes” Fallowfield council estate built after World War I is threatened with closure – but locals say they’ll fight to keep it.
R.I.P. public services? A mass “die in” and march blocked Levenshulme’s roads today as local families fresh from the occupation of their threatened library refused to take the cuts lying down.