Be careful what you vote for

Article published: Thursday, January 20th 2011

All things considered, Labour’s victory in the Oldham and Saddleworth by-election is remarkable. To recount the facts that have been lost in the media as the contest inevitably became presented as a vote on the coalition, Phil Woolas was ejected from parliament last November for stoking racial tensions during the general election in a town […]

Sparks fly as job cuts proposals passed at council exec meeting

Article published: Wednesday, January 19th 2011

Heated exchanges took place today at Manchester City Council’s Executive meeting as Labour and Liberal Democrats attempted to shift the blame for the 2,000 voluntary redundancies which council leaders claim are necessary to cope with cuts to council spending over the next year.

Council struggles to get a grip on “bad service” for private tenants

Article published: Tuesday, January 18th 2011

Manchester City Council announced its first two successful prosecutions of unlicensed landlords today, following three years of a scheme to regulate private housing which had failed to impose any sanctions since its launch.

Heaton Park sports complex set to go ahead

Article published: Monday, January 17th 2011

Plans to transform part of Heaton Park into a commercial sports complex received a boost last week when councillors upheld a decision to permit the development in the face of opposition from Prestwich residents.

Manchester City Council to axe 2,000 jobs

Article published: Thursday, January 13th 2011

The council has reiterated its commitment to its long-standing ‘no compulsory redundancies’ policy as it looks to make savings of £110m following the government’s slashing of its funding. Instead offers for voluntary redundancies and early retirement are on the table.

Coop Bank’s refinancing of Manchester Airport draws criticism from environmentalists

Article published: Saturday, January 8th 2011

Environmental activists have been angered by the news that the Cooperative Bank has taken part in a refinancing deal for the development of Manchester Airport. The bank will provide £40 million over the next 5 years to Manchester Airports Group despite its much-vaunted ‘Ethical Investments Policy’ which includes mitigating the threat of climate change as […]

Unions and communities to mobilise against cuts

Article published: Thursday, January 6th 2011

Representatives from trade unions and community organisations from across the region are gathering later this month for a conference aiming to link up different struggles against cuts in Greater Manchester.