Book Review: The Spirit Level: Why more equal societies almost always do better

Article published: Friday, September 4th 2009

“We are intensely relaxed about people getting filthy rich,” business secretary Peter Mandelson once famously declared. For many, this statement summed up the attitude behind New Labour: Ignore inequality; if anything, the poor will benefit if the rich get even richer because some of the wealth will ‘trickle down’.

Manchester College strikes again!

Article published: Monday, August 24th 2009

Staff at Manchester College will go on a one day strike on August 27, protesting against compulsory redundancies and union intimidation.

Manchester goes to Climate Camp

Article published: Sunday, August 23rd 2009

This week will see a number of Manchester residents head down to London for this year’s Climate Camp. They will converge, with thousands from around the country, at an undisclosed location somewhere inside the M25.

Northern Indymedia Launches

Article published: Sunday, August 23rd 2009

This month sees the official launch of Northern Indymedia, a vibrant news resource “for all those seeking a better world in the grim north and beyond”.

National Identity Scheme Relaunched

Article published: Tuesday, August 18th 2009

Home Secretary Alan Johnson recently re-launched the National Identity Scheme with the unveiling of a newly designed ID card.

Manchester Fire Fighters to go on strike?

Article published: Monday, August 17th 2009

There are signs that a new round of strikes by fire fighters could take place in the next month. The government could face industrial action on a scale not seen since the Fire Brigades’ Union (FBU) strike of 2002.

“Football is dying here”

Article published: Friday, August 14th 2009

Manchester City fans may have welcomed the multi-billion pound take over of their club, relishing the opportunity to see superstars play at the City of Manchester stadium. Elsewhere in Europe new owners have not been greeted with open arms.