Blears' Car Vandalised

Article published: Monday, August 10th 2009

Salford MP Hazel Blears had her car vandalised in Eccles during a bout of canvassing in her constituency. Someone slashed two tyres and damaged the front window on her Citroën Xsara Picasso.

Flat TyresBlears told the Manchester Evening News that she did not think it was related to her expenses and insisted it was just the work of “teenagers with nothing to do on a hot afternoon”.

Local residents think differently. A resident who witnessed the incident told the Manchester Evening News that she was being targeted because of her expenses. “This is the people of Salford telling her that they don’t accept what she has done,” he said.

The Daily Telegraph revealed she had twice sold a London property funded through the second home allowance without paying capital gains tax. She subsequently agreed to pay HM Revenue around £13,000 to cover the unpaid tax.

Blears later resigned the day before the local and European elections, infuriating Labour activists who felt it was damaging to the party’s already beleaguered election campaign. There was subsequently an attempt to deselect her. Blears only survived this after offering a grovelling public apology for the timing of her resignation and her expenses claims.

More: Manchester, News


  1. What a work of art. The best picasso I’ve ever seen.

    Comment by tim on August 11, 2009 at 2:49 pm
  2. Smashing-up someone’s car is not the best way of getting rid of unpopular MPs.

    Violence and destruction is a method used by illiterate and inarticulate people who lack a basic education. How did anyone escape from school at 15 or 16 and still lack essential skills in English? That is a hidden national scandal.

    Far better to find someone from the public who is not a member of a national political party (Lib Dems, Conservative, Labour etc.) and get them elected as the local MP. Electing another political clone is asking for more of the same behaviour which has upset the public.

    Smashing-up cars lasts for a few days.

    Instead do something which will last for 4 or 5 years – get your own local person as your local MP.

    Make a change, vote for someone different and really put DEMOCRACY into the House of Commons – not another plastic clone whose first loyalty is to their national political party.

    Comment by Paul Janik on August 15, 2009 at 12:45 pm

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