Ladyfest Rocks
Article published: Wednesday, October 1st 2008
This summer sees another rash of Ladyfests, the now veteran DIY feminist arts festivals that have sprung up all around the world, spreading to the global South and Eastern Europe.
With origins in the riot grrrl and punk movements of the USA, the line-up for Ladyfest London (9-11th May), is mainly on the punk/indie side, featuring ex-Moldy Peaches Kimya Dawson as the main draw.
There is far more to Ladyfest than just girls with guitars, as successive events have worked hard to broaden the concept to encompass different styles of live music, clubbing, spoken word, comedy, film and visual art to name a few.
Skill-share and discussion workshops such as Cool Mums Coffee Morning & Discussion, and
Confronting White Privilege give the festivals a political edge, and constantly re-evaluate its worth and direction. DIY in that it is organised by volunteers on a not-for-profi t basis, typically non-hierarchically, and feminist because it celebrates female achievements in the arts. Beyond that, Ladyfest is not tied to any particular formula. And in case anyone was wondering, men are more than welcome at most events!
More: Manchester
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