Lush staff targeted

Article published: Thursday, November 19th 2009

Staff at the Manchester branch of Lush have been threatened by pro-hunt goons.

CIMG3906Last month the pioneering ethical company launched the Fabulous Mrs Fox bubble bar to raise money for the Hunt Sabs Association. As part of the campaign a ‘meet the Hunt Sabs’ event was organised for their Market Street store on October 17, with people from HSA coming to talk to customers.

Shop manager Jen McAllister from Glossop told MULE: “Two days before the event a man came in from the street and said that if it went ahead there will be trouble.”

The man, who refused to answer any questions from staff, left as soon as he had made the threat. Jen continued, “it was a bit intimidating, he was a big guy and Steph who he spoke to is only small, but we wanted to go ahead with the event anyway.”

Fortunately the event passed of without incident but this was only one in a series of attacks on the company from pro-bloodsport thugs. Lush’s Ethics Director Hilary Jones explained to Ethical Consumer Magazine:

“Our Chelmsford shop had a man come in and sweep the whole display of the Fabulous Mrs Fox bubble bars onto the floor and walk out. He came back the next day and did the same thing again, but this time he said that he would be back every day to do it until we stopped selling it.

“On day three when he arrived the manager recognised him and stood between him and the display and told him to leave the shop. He started shouting and arguing. She told him that if he didn’t leave immediately that she would call the police. At this point there was a couple being served at the till, and the gentleman stepped forward and said ‘You don’t have to – we are already here’ and pulled out his warrant card. Turns out he was off duty and shopping with his wife. He made the guy leave – and since then he’s not returned.”

In Maidstone a shop had ‘F*ck You’ scratched into the glass and a kebab smeared across the window – Hilary commented “as a vegetarian company, I don’t need to tell you which we found the most offensive.”

Staff at the Taunton shop received a call from someone saying they were being watched and they had better “watch their backs”. This happened when they were open late, hosting a child’s birthday party.

The Plymouth shop had Countryside Alliance stickers super-glued to the window. Toff rag Horse and Hound have also launched a boycott campaign against the company.

Writing on the blog Tim Bonner Head of Media for the Countryside Alliance added fuel to the flames saying Lush would “pay for their politics”.

Lush, however, are undeterred. As Hilary Jones told Ethical Consumer:

“We can’t allow ourselves to give in to bullying… We have campaigned on many issues over the years but we have never encountered this kind of hostility.

“Hunting with hounds is cruel and has no place in a modern society and that is why we chose to highlight it. We are proud to be associated with the Hunt Saboteurs Association.”

The fabulous Mr Fox bubble bar is out now. It features a ‘blood-red fox pawprint’ design and contains citronella, a scent chosen because hunt sabs use it to disguise foxes scent and send hounds off the trail.

Tim Hunt of Ethical Consumer Magazine

More: Manchester, News


  1. This is a prime example of how people who get thier kicks from being cruel to animals are just as capable of doing the same to humans. They really are an appalling lot!

    If you support the hunting act, get your name on the R.O.A.R.(Register Online Against Repeal), an ‘all party’ register at:

    Comment by mhayworth on November 20, 2009 at 5:37 pm
  2. I feel for the staff of Lush for the Countryside Alliance is nothing more than a front for bringing back the disgusting ‘sports’ of fox hunting, hare coursing, etc. They pretend to ‘care’ for the countryside but the vast majority of true country people are acutely embarrassed by them. We British led the way in banning the slave trade and in banning slavery in the Empire, we led the way in banning bear baiting and cock fighting, and we led the way in banning hunting and hare coursing. My preference is not to ban anything more for a while but my intention is to do all in my power to stop Conservatives and others ‘un-banning’ hunting and hare coursing. We must continue to make progress and not let our civilisation take a backward step.

    Comment by Geoffrey Woollard on November 20, 2009 at 5:47 pm
  3. It really shows how pathetic these people are.
    Even they know how repulsive decent people, find their vile hobbies otherwise why would they resort to bullying tactics?
    They must not be allowed to resurrect these barbaric practises.

    Comment by J Kendall on November 20, 2009 at 7:16 pm
  4. These pro-animal-murder people are attempting to selfishly turn a positive campaign into a negative war. What they disillusion themselves that they are achieving I do not know; but the poor staff at ‘Lush’ who are just doing their job should not have to be subject to other’s acts of immorality.

    Comment by S Jones on November 23, 2009 at 7:24 pm
  5. Horse & Hound is not a “toff rag” in any way. That’s an incredibly rude and stupid thing to say. It’s the original and best equestrian magazine out there and does a great job, far better than Your Horse or Horse & Rider by miles. I’ve been buying it all my life and I’m the opposite of a toff, as are the majority of my riding friends. I work hard to afford my weekly riding lesson and Horse & Hound has helped me learn to ride with so many brilliant articles and advice.

    Comment by Valerie on December 4, 2009 at 9:24 pm
  6. Horse & Hound is not a “toff rag” in any way. That’s an incredibly rude and stupid thing to say. It’s the original and best equestrian magazine out there and does a great job, far better than Your Horse or Horse & Rider by miles. I’ve been buying it all my life and I’m the opposite of a toff, as are the majority of my riding friends. I work hard to afford my weekly riding lesson and Horse & Hound has helped me learn to ride with so many brilliant articles and advice!

    Comment by Valerie on December 4, 2009 at 9:25 pm
  7. PS I’d also like to add that the Countryside Alliance have said that they fully expect Lush to be antihunting, they just don’t like the HSA’s tactics and they were the wrong antihunting charity to support. They’re well known for violence towards people and animals. Ironic really since they claim to be all for animal rights.

    Comment by Valerie on December 4, 2009 at 9:27 pm

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