Temporary Autonomous Arts returns to Manchester

Article published: Friday, September 11th 2009

This November sees the return of Temporary Autonomous Arts to Manchester. If you’re thinking this sounds like just another edgy exhibition, don’t be fooled. In previous years TAA have squatted large, abandoned buildings in the city, and transforming them into a creative, interactive spaces, open to everyone.

TAATemporary Autonomous Arts (TAA) is a movement that grew out of DIY culture and the underground scene, intending to create a space for art, free expression and cultural exchange using derelict urban space. In a culture where people are rarely encouraged to be more than a spectators, this participatory, volunteer run event relies on people’s involvement to make it happen, building up a festival over the course of a few days.

TAA’s approach is that bringing freedom of expression and utilising inactive places is a way of saying everything has a use and should not be wasted. It also gives voice to those artists that may feel their talents are being wasted or overlooked by the traditional art world. It’s a chance for different collectives and individuals to come together to be a single collective, providing a space for performers and artists to get together and collaborate with people they might not usually work with.  Many people who come along to see what’s going on, end up becoming involved  in the artwork, being part of the show or offering to help clean up and get involved in the next one. Thus the TAA family grows!

The first TAA appeared in London in 2001, with other cities eventually following on. TAAs have now been held in Manchester, Bristol, Brighton and Edinburgh. Manchester held its first full scale TAA event in Autumn 2006 in the Northern Quarter and its second in 2007 in Hulme. One night TAAs have also been held, including ‘Cabarave’ in early 2007, which also saw launch of the dance collective The Ravin’ Beauties as they performed the can-can, and The Mad Hatters Tea Party in Autumn of 2008.

From Wednesday 4 November to Saturday 7 the next TAA in Manchester will be open to the public. The first day is a time for artists and helpers to get into the space to begin installing features such as a café, children’s play area, workshop spaces, and a stage. It will eventually become filled with art that people have either brought along or created there. It all makes for a uniquely interactive experience for artists, volunteers and the general public. The boundaries between these categories become blurred, and the sense of freedom that comes from DIY culture emerges.

To be involved in any way shape or form with performance, building, setting up, running workshops or exhibiting, or for more information please contact:


More: Culture, Exhibition, Manchester


  1. I’ll be there, the last few times have been absolutely brilliant!

    Comment by anne onymous on September 13, 2009 at 5:46 pm
  2. So excited about the energy coming out of this latest event.

    If people want to get involved we have a meeting on Wednesday 23rd Sept at 7.30pm in ArcSpace meeting room at St Wilfrids Enterprise Centre off Royce Road in Hulme.

    Comment by Steffeny McGiffen on September 17, 2009 at 2:48 pm

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