Withington candidates against ID cards – except Labour’s

Article published: Wednesday, April 28th 2010

Withington candidates for the upcoming local elections voted 6-1 against the ID card scheme and compulsory identity database, with only Labour candidate Lucy Powell speaking in defence of the controversial scheme.

Candidates were asked their views on the Power2010 pledge, which highlights five democratically chosen policies including the proposal to “scrap ID cards and roll back the database state”. Signing the pledge would commit candidates to reject the ID scheme. Candidates from the Green, Independent, Conservative, Lib-Dem and UKIP parties all opposed the idea of mandatory ID cards.

Manchester No2ID co-ordinator Dave Page said, “Power2010’s popular vote on policies has made it clear that people are deeply concerned about expensive, intrusive Government databases like the National Identity Register, ContactPoint and Summary Care Records. No2ID do not endorse any candidates or parties, but we do encourage people to ask their candidates, through Power2010, No2ID or directly, for their stance on these issues.”

More: Election, QuickKick


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