Want to get involved with J30?

Article published: Wednesday, June 29th 2011

Union members and protestors across the city are preparing for a day of strikes this Thursday, as across the nation 750,000 teachers, lecturers and civil servants walk out in protest over proposed pension reforms and the government’s austerity agenda. Want to know what’s going on in Manchester? Then read on…

The real benefit thieves

Article published: Tuesday, May 17th 2011

From June the government’s new back-to-work scheme for the unemployed, run by multinational companies and farmed out to hard-pressed charities, will swing into action. MULE takes a look at what’s in store…

Campaigners fighting to save Manchester Advice – but council appears undeterred

Article published: Sunday, March 6th 2011

A campaign is underway to stop Manchester City Council from pulling the plug on free advice services that help tens of thousands of people each year. Last week a former head of the service gave a damning assessment of the Council’s proposal, while campaigners believe that lead officers and senior councillors are targeting Manchester Advice […]

Government agency spent £34,000 in bid to block free legal advice

Article published: Friday, February 18th 2011

A government body spent tens of thousands of pounds on barristers’ fees and used five members of staff to win a battle over funding against a local not-for-profit organisation which provides free access to legal services, MULE can reveal.

Advice services in Manchester in jeopardy

Article published: Thursday, February 17th 2011

With Manchester Advice to close and the government looking to scrap most legal aid funding in social welfare law, the ability to access detailed professional advice on a range of issues could soon be a thing of the past.

The council and the cuts

Article published: Friday, December 10th 2010

With Manchester City Council staring devastating spending cuts in the face, what did our councillors think about the impact on the city? MULE popped down to the Town Hall to find out…

Public money wasted by Legal Services Commission

Article published: Monday, December 6th 2010

Public money is being ‘wasted’ while vulnerable people are denied access to justice, claim legal aid campaigners in Manchester. They are calling on the Legal Services Commission to back down from defending a challenge taken by two law centres to have their funding restored.