Vocational subject attendance crumbles since EMA thrown on scrapheap

Article published: Wednesday, July 11th 2012

Attendance at work-orientated courses in Manchester has fallen since the scrapping of the Educational Maintenance Allowance (EMA), according to figures from the city’s largest college.

Parents to lobby Chorlton High School governors ahead of crucial academy meeting

Article published: Thursday, April 19th 2012

Parents and campaigners opposed to the conversion of Chorlton High School into an academy are to lobby the school’s board of governors next Tuesday at a key meeting to decide whether or not to proceed with the application.

University of Manchester students to walk out over fees

Article published: Wednesday, March 14th 2012

University of Manchester students are to walk out over postgraduate fee hikes today as part of a “week of action” called for by the National Union of Students.

Ryanair marketing stall ejected by students

Article published: Saturday, October 29th 2011

Ryanair had to cancel a marketing event at the University of Manchester Students Union earlier this week after students dismantled their promotional stall in protest against the company’s record on the environment and workers’ rights.

Students chase arms company off campus

Article published: Wednesday, May 25th 2011

A presentation by arms manufacturer BAE Systems at the University of Manchester was abandoned yesterday following protests by staff and students angry at the company’s presence on campus.

Bahraini students call for support

Article published: Monday, May 2nd 2011

Bahraini students whose scholarships were removed following their participation in protests in Manchester are facing destitution and major disruption to their studies. The students and their supporters have called on universities, higher education institutions and the public in Greater Manchester to offer greater support to those affected by the political turmoil in Bahrain.

Strike at University over pensions

Article published: Wednesday, March 23rd 2011

Lecturers at the University of Manchester took to the pickets yesterday as they went on strike against changes which threaten pensions.