Everyone sick with worry for the future of the NHS has been invited to an emergency summit this Saturday to bring together Greater Manchester’s campaigns against privatisation and cuts to the health service.
Cuts have left Manchester City Council struggling to plug a £5.8 million overspend in its Adults Services budget as needs rise across the city.
Legal aid campaigners have urged Manchester City Council to restore funding to its advice services, as Greater Manchester braces itself for millions of pounds in benefit cuts from next April.
Train and bus company Arriva is to take over part of Manchester’s ambulance service in an attempt to cut NHS costs across the region.
Atos, the multi-billion IT firm which has attracted criticism for computer failures and its controversial participation in the government’s “fit for work” disability tests, has won a seven year contract to implement Manchester’s planned ‘Oyster Card’ public transport scheme.
Cuts to mental health services, including axing 38 front line posts as part of a bid to save £28m over the next five years, have been approved by Manchester’s Mental Health and Social Care Trust, despite warnings from patients and trade unions.