Anger over plans to close community centres

Article published: Sunday, February 28th 2010

The future of publicly-provided local community centres in Bury is in doubt following the leak of a confidential report. Discovery of the plans have led to the formation of campaign group Save Our Suite to defend the popular Longfield Suite, whose future may be decided next month amid accusations that Bury Council is ignoring residents.

Detained for speaking out

Article published: Friday, February 26th 2010

Two people, including a MULE editor, were detained by anti-terror police at Heathrow Airport on January 6 after they raised objections to a deportation taking place on their flight.

Council scores own-goal by closing Urbis

Article published: Thursday, February 25th 2010

This Saturday, Urbis’ pop culture exhibition centre will close its doors for the last time. The iconic building is due to re-open in August 2011 to house the National Museum Football, relocated from its former home in Preston. Debates over which guise is more interesting, profitable or “good for Manchester” have missed a vital point: deciding […]

Palestinian farmers refused visas to visit Manchester for Fairtrade Fortnight

Article published: Wednesday, February 24th 2010

In a move which directly contradicts Gordon Brown’s support for Palestinian olive oil gaining Fairtrade accreditation in 2009, the UK Border Agency has refused visas to three Palestinian farmers scheduled to visit the UK during Fairtrade Fortnight 2010. Yet others already legally in the country have resolved to continue.

People’s History Museum re-opens

Article published: Tuesday, February 23rd 2010

The People’s History Museum reopened on 13 February. The re-developed riverside gallery returns offering the public a chance to “explore world changing events led by the working people of Britain”.

Hulme regeneration update

Article published: Monday, February 22nd 2010

Hulme residents are once again facing ‘regeneration’ plans which have been met widespread opposition. The proposals involve demolishing Arch Bar and building six-storey student flats on the site. The bar has been closed since a drive-by shooting in 2007.

“Knife arch” for Piccadilly Gardens

Article published: Friday, February 19th 2010

Greater Manchester Police (GMP) have today erected a temporary “knife arch”, consisting of a metal detector and sniffer dogs, in Piccadilly Gardens for pedestrians to walk through.